Welcome ****to the first production-ready draft (version 1.2) of the *based Editorial Style Guide. Created by the senior editorial staff at Starbased, a crypto-native media agency, this guide is regularly updated and maintained for the use of contributors to our projects, including Tokebase and Rookbase. Contributors are responsible for ensuring that all submitted work aligns with the guidelines in the most recent official version.
In keeping with the web3 ethos, Starbased is making this guide public so it can serve as an open reference for other media agencies, DAO writers’ guilds, and so on. Let’s compare notes!
Goals of the *based Editorial Style Guide:
About Us *About Starbased (aka based) *based Team Members What Editors Do and Why
Process, Communications, and Feedback *based Editing Process Communications and Contributor Feedback
*Writing and Editing for based General *based Style Conventions Mechanics of Writing Capitalization Numbers Acronyms and Abbreviations Punctuation English Grammar Spelling Diction Usage Verb Tense Homonyms Tone and Voice Clarity, Concision, and Flow Syntax Formatting Inclusive Language Accessibility Guidelines Crypto Terms, Slang, and Memes Tools, Tips, and Tricks Citations and Reference Lists
Base-Specific Terms and Style Conventions Tokebase-Specific Rookbase-Specific
Editorial Reference and Resources Associated Press (AP) Style
Open and Undecided Questions *Open Questions of based Style
Editorial Before-and-After, Humor, and Fun Editing: Before and After **Fun For Editors and Other Persnickety Word Nerds Editorial Humor**